Rust Preventatives Coatings
Temporary corrosion protection for parts in-between production processes, storage, or for added protection to the ICT500 Series Packaging Products during ocean shipments.
Rust Preventatives (RPs) and Coatings Series
Zerust offers corrosion inhibiting coatings that complement our VCI packaging solutions in manufacturing processes, storage and shipping applications. Zerust rust preventatives and coatings range from effective water-based solutions to greases designed to give standalone protection, even in aggressive outdoor environments.
How to Use Rust Inhibiting

Axxatec™ 77C
Metals Protected: Ferrous, Aluminum, Brass, Zinc, Copper
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: 4 months
Application Methods: Spray, Brush, Dip
Surface Finish: Thin, cloudy, visible
Use Axxatec 77C to protect bare metal surfaces (such as those of golf club shafts) during assembly,
large equipment during temporary storage, and in situations where water-based spray-on,
in-line production or dipping applications are desired.
Axxatec™ 80C
Metals Protected: Ferrous
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: 6 months
Application Methods: Spray, Brush, Dip
Surface Finish: Dry to touch, clear
Use Axxatec 80C Concentrate to protect bare metal surfaces during assembly, large equipment during
temporary storage, and in situations where water-based spray-on, in-line production or dipping
applications are desired.

Axxatec™ 85-F
Metals Protected: Ferrous metal only
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: Up to 1 year
Application Methods: Immersion, brush, spray, or fogging
Surface Finish: Clear, dry to touch
Axxatec 85-F combines the power of a water-based rust preventative with Zerust Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) to protect ferrous metals. It is designed for use as a foggable rust protection for the inside void spaces of tanks, packages, and enclosures.

Axxatec™ 87-M
Metals Protected: Ferrous protection, multimetal compatible, not safe for galvanized.
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: Up to 1 year
Application Methods: Immersion, brush, spray, or fogging
Surface Finish: Clear, dry to touch
Axxatec 87-M combines the power of a water-based rust preventative with Zerust Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors
(VCIs). It is designed for use as foggable protection for the inside void spaces of tanks, packages and enclosures. It protects ferrous metals and is multimetal compatible.
Axxanol 34CD
Metals Protected: Ferrous, Aluminum, Brass, Zinc, Copper
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: 6 months
Application Methods: Spray, Brush, Dip
Surface Finish: Very thin oil
Use Axxanol 34CD to protect metal parts and cast and machined metals during shipment, storage and
work-in-progress. Axxanol 34CD is perfect for protecting parts during program changeover periods in the
assembly process.

Axxanol 33
Metals Protected: Ferrous, Aluminum, Brass, Zinc, Copper
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: 8 months
Application Methods: Spray, Brush, Dip
Surface Finish: Thin oil, dry-to-touch
Typical Axxanol 33 applications include corrosion protection for in-line rolling mill applications, cold rolled sheet
and coils, wire bar, and cast & machined ferrous and non-ferrous metals during shipment and storage.

Axxanol 33CD
Metal Protected: Multimetal protection
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: Up to 6 months
Application Methods: Spray, Brush, Dip
Surface Finish: Thin oil
Use Zerust Axxanol 33CD to safety protect metals and cast or machined parts during shipment, storage
and work-in-progress. It protects multiple metal types against corrosion for up to six months under shelter.
Axxanol 46-Bio
Metals Protected: Ferrous, Aluminum, Zinc
Outdoor Protection: 3 months
Indoor Protection: 12 months
Application Methods: Spray, Brush, Dip
Surface Finish: Thin oil
It is ideal for applications such as cleaning and protecting equipment and machinery that is temporarily left
Axxanol Spray-G
Metals Protected: Ferrous, aluminum, brass, zinc and copper
Outdoor Protection: 12 months
Indoor Protection: 24 months
Application Methods: Spray
Surface Finish: Oily grease
Axxanol Spray-G can be used as a light lubricant while it provides exceptional corrosion protection. The product
is resistant to water and is compatible with most rubber and plastic materials.

Axxanol Z-Maxx Serisi
Metals Protected: Ferrous, Aluminum, Brass, Zinc, Copper
Outdoor Protection: Up to 1 year
Indoor Protection: Up to 2 years
Application Methods: Brush or cloth
Surface Finish: Light grease (NLGI 0)
Axxanol Z-Maxx Series can be used as a light lubricant while it provides exceptional corrosion protection.
The product is resistant to water and is compatible with synthetic rubber and plastics.

Axxanol 750 VCI Oil
Metals Protected: Ferrous, Aluminum, Brass, Zinc, Copper
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: 10 months
Application Methods: Spray
Surface Finish: Thin oil
This invisible VCI oil provides robust corrosion protection to metal surfaces as well as in hard-to-reach voids, crevices, and chambers.

Axxatec 8110C
Metals Protected: Ferrous, Aluminum, Brass, Copper
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: 6 months in a system
Application Methods: Closed system additive
Surface Finish: Thin, invisible
Axxatec 8110C was designed for use in closed system, such as aqueous cooling systems or hydraulic systems, and will protect iron, steel, aluminum, copper and brass parts within these systems for up to six months. It is a water-based and easily diluted with coolant or water-based hydraulic fluids.

AxxaVis™ HST-10
AxxaVis HST-10 powder additive treats water used for hydrostatic testing of pressure vessels and voids. It prevents corrosion by reducing hardness and deactivating ionic contaminants such as chlorides found in municipal water sources that cause rust and hard water deposits on metals.

AxxaVis PX-05-AN
AxxaVis PX-05-AN is a powder, that when added to rinse water, enables it to neutralize acids left by cleaning processes. Use to control flash corrosion on metals caused by acids left over from cleaning and rust removal treatments as Zerust AxxaClean™.
AxxaVis PX-10-HRD
Use to treat tap water with a hardness of up to 700 ppm CaCO3 and prevent scale and scum. It increases the performance of Zerust products that require dilution, such as Axxatec and AxxaWash™ concentrates.