Axxatec™ 77C
Metals Protected: Ferrous, Aluminum, Brass, Zinc, Copper
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: 4 months
Application Methods: Spray, Brush, Dip
Surface Finish: Thin, cloudy, visible
Use Axxatec 77C to protect bare metal surfaces (such as those of golf club shafts) during assembly,
large equipment during temporary storage, and in situations where water-based spray-on,
in-line production or dipping applications are desired.
Axxatec™ 80C
Metals Protected: Ferrous
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: 6 months
Application Methods: Spray, Brush, Dip
Surface Finish: Dry to touch, clear
Use Axxatec 80C Concentrate to protect bare metal surfaces during assembly, large equipment during
temporary storage, and in situations where water-based spray-on, in-line production or dipping
applications are desired.

Axxatec™ 85-F
Metals Protected: Ferrous metal only
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: Up to 1 year
Application Methods: Immersion, brush, spray, or fogging
Surface Finish: Clear, dry to touch
Axxatec 85-F combines the power of a water-based rust preventative with Zerust Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCIs) to protect ferrous metals. It is designed for use as a foggable rust protection for the inside void spaces of tanks, packages, and enclosures.

Axxatec™ 87-M
Metals Protected: Ferrous protection, multimetal compatible, not safe for galvanized.
Outdoor Protection: Not recommended
Indoor Protection: Up to 1 year
Application Methods: Immersion, brush, spray, or fogging
Surface Finish: Clear, dry to touch
Axxatec 87-M combines the power of a water-based rust preventative with Zerust Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors
(VCIs). It is designed for use as foggable protection for the inside void spaces of tanks, packages and enclosures. It protects ferrous metals and is multimetal compatible.