Rust Removers

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Zerust Axxaclean metal cleaners offer safe and easy solutions for the removal of severe rust.

Zerust® Corrosion Removers

Zerust’s Axxaclean rust and tarnish removers are powerful solutions for the rework and recovery of metal items. Zerust offers a range of technologies, from pH neutral products to more aggressive products that also inhibit flash corrosion on cleaned surfaces.

Axxaclean ICT®620-RR: Light to Medium Rust Remover


Zerust 620-RR is a pH neutral dip that removes rust, even in crevices, pits, and threads. It replaces labor-intensive abrasive cleaning that damages surfaces. The product works by breaking the chemical bond of rust and does not harm any other metals and non-metals. Surface may be darkened with carbon residue after cleaning. Cleaned parts must by protected to prevent flash rusting.

Axxaclean 2048: Light to Medium Rust and Tarnish Remover


This is a fast acting rust and tarnish remover. It removes light to medium rust and tarnish, even in cracks and crevices. It is mildly acidic (about 2.5 pH) similar to a soda drink. It cleans and deoxidizes ferrous metals, brass, copper and various alloys without leaving a gray residue. Provides immediate protection from flash rust or re-tarnishing for several days in controlled environment. It may be applied by immersion, brush, or spray.

Axxaclean 3048: Light to Heavy Rust and Tarnish Remover

This product rapidly removes light to heavy rust and tarnish, even in cracks and crevices. It cleans and deoxidizes ferrous metals, brass, copper and various alloys without leaving a gray residue. It provides immediate protection from flash-rust or re-tarnishing for several days in a controlled environment. It may be applied by immersion or brush.

Axxaclean HPW-100C Non-Foaming, Demulsifying Cleaner


Axxaclean HPW-100C high-pressure wash additive prevents flash corrosion after cleaning processes by providing powerful deactivation of ionic contaminants, such as highly corrosive chlorides and sulfates on metal surfaces. It is non-foaming and can be applied by immersion, high-pressure or ultra high-pressure wash.

Axxawash NW-10C

Zerust Axxawash NW-10C wash additive deactivates corrosion causing ionic contaminants such as chlorides left by metalworking fluids. It also degreases and removes hydrocarbon soils. It can be applied by immersion, high-pressure and ultra high-pressure wash. AxxaWash NW-10 is recommended for use on highly reactive ferrous metals such as cast iron exposed to inorganic salts and other contaminants.

How to Use Rust Removers

Use wire brush to remove loose scale if present
Immerse, spray-on or brush-on product according to product instructions.

Wait recommended amount of time recommended by product depending on rust level.
Using a sponge or clean rag remove dissolved rust.
OPTIONAL: Using de-ionized water rinse part.
Dry thoroughly with a clean cloth.
Keep your part clean and rust free in shipping or storage with additional protection from Zerust bags.

Directions to use: 620-RR Heavier Rust Remover

  1. Pour Zerust ICT 620-RR into a container with the rusted parts (fully cover parts).
  2. Soak the rusted parts in Zerust ICT620-RR for ~30 minutes for light rust and overnight for heavy, flaking rust. *DO NOT spray the rusty parts with ICT 620-RR—the product will not work this way.
  3. Rinse the parts with de-ionized water and inspect.
  4. Wipe parts with a dry cloth if needed (some black carbon residue may remain on the metal surface).
  5. Repeat soaking if rust remains, and re-rinse.
  6. Air dry. Check for areas where solution may have pooled, re-rinse and dry.
  7. Package parts in Zerust products to prevent the recurrence of rust.

Note: When the active ingredients are used up, the Zerust ICT 620 bath will turn black and will not remove rust. 



Zerust AxxaClean Rust and Tarnish Remover Series

Attributes ICT®620-RR Axxaclean 2048 Axxaclean 3048
Removal Power
Light to medium rust, even in cracks and crevices Medium corrosion, even in cracks and crevices Heavy corrosion, even in cracks and crevices
Speed Slow Moderate Rapid
Metals Treated Ferrous Ferrous, brass, copper Ferrous, brass, copper
Application Methods Immersion Immersion, Brush-on, Spray Immersion, Brush-on
pH Level Neutral pH of about 7 Mild acidic pH of about 2.5 Stronger acidic pH between 0.5-1.5
For Use
70ºF (21ºC) or above 70ºF (21ºC) or above 40ºF (4ºC) or above
(<24 hour soak)
Safe for metals*, paint, gaskets, rubber, plastics Safe for metals*, paint, gaskets, rubber, plastics May attack soft metals*, some paints and coatings
Post-Cleaning Action Do not let product dry on surface. Water rinse, dry and wipe any carbon residue. Do not let product dry on surface. Recommended DI or RO water rinse. Wipe off and dry well. Do not let product dry on surface. Recommended DI or RO water rinse. Wipe off and dry well.
Corrosion Protection Additional corrosion protection needed Provides flash-corrosion protection in controlled environments Provides flash-corrosion protection in controlled environments
Health and Safety**

  Non-Haz Disposal 
  Reduces Waste

  Non-Haz Disposal 
  Reduces Waste
  Reduces Waste

Zerust Surface Cleaners and Washes

Zerust Product Name Metals Treated Effective Against Dilution Rate Pressure Range Health and Safety*
High-Pressure Cleaners
AxxaClean HPW-100C Best for ferrous, safe for
all metals except zinc
Chlorides, sulfates 1-5% 0 to > 3000 psi   
High-Pressure Washes
AxxaWash NW-10C Best for ferrous, safe for
all metals except zinc
Chlorides, sulfates,
hydrocarbon soils
1-5% 0 to 3000 psi